Thursday, 27 December 2012

Discussion on Apprenticeship

Online Parliamentary Yearbook Shares: A DT story says that a government scheme to attract 1000 immigrant scientists/engineers only attracted 50.
Britain is a soul less debt slave nation of no-hoper multiculti, celeb loving, tax slaves.
Why would any intelligent person come to Britain unless paid by a multinational company that had nothing to do with government, and its tax slaves?

Apprenticeships were always more productive than university brats, and it is too late and too insulting that Britain's lazy class admits this now that its socialist ways have run out of money.

Online Parliamentary Yearbook Shares: I work in banking IT. A degree is almost de rigueur, post-grad or PhD now a now a pre-requisite for some areas. But some of the best people I have worked with do not have degrees, and would be simply excluded. Much better to import foreign PhDs, because they can't find "good" people they have excluded by the selection process (or alternatively import lots of cheap developers from India or where-ever, or out-source which generally doesn't work well)

Parliamentary information office news updates

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Wind Farms and Homes

Online Parliamentary Yearbook Shares: Wind turbines are only 30% efficient; the only people who gain from them are wealthy farmers and land owners such as David Cameron’s father-in-law who rakes in £1,000 a day for having them on his land; members of the royal family enjoy the same perks, the losers are working class people who are forced to pay to subsidies them under the green tax rip-off.

Online Parliamentary Yearbook Shares: If the ghastly trougher Tim Yeo gets his way the restriction will have to be no closer than 1.4 yards from the nearest dwelling.  Even then there will be no electricity when the wind doesn't blow - i.e. this morning the follies are producing less than 10% of their claimed capacity.

Collection of parliamentary information office articles

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Business Advisors

Online Parliamentary Yearbook Shares: Im busy doing nothing working the whole day through
try ing to find lot of things not to do
Im busy going nowhere isnt it such a crime
I,d like to be unhappy but i really dont  have the time

Online Parliamentary Yearbook Shares: Well to me it just looks like the "advisers" were so out of touch, they didnt know what was happening around them.  If you didnt know you were likely to be sacked then you really were not all that plugged in to the world around you!

Other topics as more blog post at parliamentary information office.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Maritime Security

Online Parliamentary Yearbook Shares: One of our major concerns as a maritime nation is the security of our shipping lanes ... not simply piracy but vessel recovery, port and vessel security, risk assessment, crew training etc. So I was delighted when I heard that the Parliamentary Yearbook will be running a major feature titled "Excellence in Maritime Security". I am contributing a piece on the value of security teams to defend ships. As well as the other security pieces I understand that there will be reports from other organisations involved in maritime affairs including broking and chartering; marine resource management; marine biology; offshore renewables etc. It will I am sure be a worthwhile and “in depth” feature

Latest news shared at Parliamentary Information Office.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Food And Farming

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares: What staggering arrogance.
Not content with telling us what we should smoke or drink, the government is now moving to telling us what we should eat.
And always we are told what to do in the most condescending way - Nanny knows best.
Soon, very soon, we'll be told what to think. Wait, what's this...oh, it's the BBC!  Don't mention Leveson...or the new snooping law, or the national DNA databank everyone thinks has gone away....

We don't need to increase food production to make bigger mountains, we need to reduce the number of people immigrating. And we don't need to put the UK into Monsanto's pocket (where some politicians may already be)

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares: We don't need to increase food production to make bigger mountains, we need to reduce the number of people immigrating. And we don't need to put the UK into Monsanto's pocket (where some politicians may already be)

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Discussion on Tax

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares: The tax credit system has been a failure from start to finish.  It and uncontrolled housing benefit is the main reason our welfare system is broken.  It has enabled employers to pay low wages, families to have children they cannot afford to support and encouraged an attitude of state dependance and entitlement.  Of course these families who depend on them will lose out  but we cannot afford these benefits any more.  They will have to think about whether they can afford children and work longer hours. 

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares: I think that what nearly all Brits fail to understand is this ... and it's fundamental...

... The system was NOT created to give you a Pension or Healthcare, or Schooling, or to protect you from crime.

The system was created to pacify you whilst a privileged minority feed from your labour.

Voting and democracy are merely the mechanisms by which you relinquish control of your own economic destinies.

To many of you, it will sound like heresy when I suggest that "voting" is the most pernicious of evils in our society.  But, your reaction to that suggestion is just evidence of the extent to which the  quasi-religion of Statism has taken a grip of you.

Collectivism and the wicked concept of "majority rule"  ... these things are the Matrix.  Just like the Matrix, we don't see the evil unless we really look dispassionately. And, we are trained to love the State, from an early age.

Parliamentary Information Office Link

Thursday, 6 December 2012

School uniforms – tradition in the Parliamentary Yearbook

At the morning meeting with senior staff her colleagues carry fat files. Dr Hammans has the CEO’s single sheet of paper in front of her. She is shown an advertisement for the school that is to appear in the new Parliamentary Yearbook sent to all MPs. “Shame we haven’t got the blazers yet,” she says. Another local school is becoming an academy, so Banbury has decided to ditch sweatshirts and go for old-fashioned blazers. “If you see a kid in a sweatshirt and a kid in a blazer, which do you think is the best school?” she asks rhetorically.

Parliamentary Information Office on Web

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Mortgage Deal Information

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares: When the US falls over the  fiscal cliff and Europe and UK head for "total" bankruptcy, the lenders will do anything to get some sort of return on their money. Don't panic and jump in now, the fee's are hugely excessive and 1,999 pounds to arrange a 2 year mortgage is a RIP off of the first degree. That almost doubles the headline interest rate for 2 years. Do they think we are that stupid and don't notice! As financial amageddon approaches rates will continue to fall so the lenders can continue to survive!

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares: Banks know that their mortgage loan book is over valued and every month house prices drop the the larger their debit becomes.
Banks know they are living on borrowed time before the market starts.
Banks are trying always to sucker us in to get the housing market moving.
First time buyers control the market and the longer they hold out the cheaper property will become.
Look at the small print before signing any offer put on the table by the banks as they give you nothing!!!

Parliamentary information office for more valuable news.